Research Project Title: Monetary Decision Making

Researchers: Dr. Evan Curtis, Jessica Curtis


Phone Number: 1-204-924-4881

This consent form, which you can copy and save directly to your computer, is only part of the informed consent process. It should give you the basic idea of what the research is about and what your participation will involve. If you would like more detail about something mentioned here, or information not included here, you should contact Dr. Evan Curtis. Please take the time to read this carefully and to understand any accompanying information.

Purpose: This experiment examines your preferences and choices in risky monetary decisions.

Procedure: In this experiment, you will make a series of choices between various risky monetary decisions. You will also complete a questionnaire.

Risk: There may be risks associated with this experiment if you have a history of gambling addiction. You are free to discontinue participation at any time and with no consequences.

Data collection devices: All stimuli will be presented on the computer monitor and all responses will be collected using your computer keyboard and mouse.

Anonymity and confidentiality: No identifying information will be attached to your response file and so it will be impossible for anyone (including the experimenters) to link your name to your response file.

Storage of data: Your response file will be kept indefinitely on a password protected computer in a folder protected by another unique password. If the research is published we will be obliged to provide your data file to researchers who request it. In that case we will provide a copy of your data file. However, we will not provide any information that could identify you as a participant.

Feedback: A written description of the study and the hypotheses that it is designed to address will be provided to you following the experiment. We hope that you are interested in the research and we will be happy to answer any further questions you might have about it. You may choose to receive a summary of the results of the experiment by providing an email address following the experiment. If you provide an email address, we will email you the results and conclusions of the experiment by September 1st, 2021.

Your acceptance of the terms on this form indicates that you have understood to your satisfaction the information regarding participation in the research project and agree to participate as a participant. In no way does this waive your legal rights nor release the researchers, sponsors, or involved institutions from their legal and professional responsibilities. You are free to withdraw from the study at any time, and / or refrain from answering any questions you prefer to omit, without prejudice or consequence.

This research has been approved by the Research Ethics Board (REB) at Booth University College in Winnipeg, Manitoba.


I have read and understood the above material. I consent to participate and permit my responses to be used for research purposes. I understand that I may withdraw, without penality, at any time.

I consent to participate in this experiment.

On each trial of the next part of this experiment, you will be given a choice between two monetary decisions. Each decision involves winning or losing a set amount of money with certain probabilities. Each choice has two mutually-exclusive possible outcomes. You will be asked to select the option that you would prefer to take. Please do your best to act as if you were making real decisions with real money.

Click on the button below to proceed.

Option 1:

A(n) % chance of $


A(n) % chance of $

Press the "A" key to select this option.

Option 2:

A(n) % chance of $


A(n) % chance of $

Press the "L" key to select this option.

Option 1:

A(n) % chance of $

Press the "A" key to select this option.

Option 2:

A(n) % chance of $


A(n) % chance of $

Press the "L" key to select this option.

First, you will be asked to fill out a survey related to gambling behaviours. Please answer each question as accurately as possible. Remember that your responses will be completely anonymous. If any questions cause you distress or discomfort, please feel free to skip them.

Click on the button below to proceed.

Thank you for answering these questions. Click on the button below to proceed.

First, thank you very much for taking part in this study.

The monetary choices you made are designed to allow us to calculate something called a “cumulative prospect function”. It is a tool that measures your general levels of risk seeking and risk aversion when making financial choices. The purpose of this research is to determine whether individual differences in that function are able to predict problem gambling behaviour (the questionnaire you completed is a standard way to measure these behaviours). We will be conducting statistical analyses to determine the relationship between your questionnaire responses and your choices in the monetary decision task. We hope that the results will provide insight into the underlying causes of, and effective treatments and interventions for, problem gambling behaviour.

If you are having problems with gambling, please use the links below to find help (links will open in a new tab).

If you have any questions about the research, please contact Dr. Evan Curtis at or 1-204-924-4881.

If you would like to receive a summary of the results, please provide your email in the space below. If you would like to withdraw your data, please select the option below.

Email address (optional)

I want to withdraw my data from analysis.

Click on the button below to complete the experiment and submit your HIT.