02:06:58 Jaron Bruyere: Auditory Warnings in Air Traffic Control - Quick Summary for Zoom Chat notes: Catching Your Ear: Auditory warnings are unique beeps/tunes, designed to stand out so pilots/controllers notice immediately. Keeping Alert Without Overload: Alarms are used sparingly to prevent tuning them out, with varied sounds for different alerts ensuring critical warnings are heeded. Clear as a Bell: Alarms are simple and loud for universal clarity across languages, crucial in the global aviation field. Urgency Matters: Sounds vary in speed, pitch, and volume to indicate the level of urgency, aiding in quick and appropriate responses without panic. Designed With You in Mind: Warnings are carefully crafted to grab attention effectively in the noisy, high-stakes environment of air traffic control, without adding stress. 02:07:04 Jaron Bruyere: Application: Utilize adaptive auditory warnings tuned to controller stress/workload, integrating Sequential/Spectral Integration for clarity, Old-plus-New Heuristic for sound differentiation, and Dichotic Demonstrations for spatial awareness. 02:15:57 Jaron Bruyere: From this study what I got is only individuals with a natural ability to focus should become pilots but that touches on sensitive territory, potentially echoing Eugenics. However, it highlights the importance of specific aptitudes in aviation roles. 02:40:33 Jaron Bruyere: With those programmes; I enjoy using David Attenborough's voice to narrate literature for me, and ironically the Bible, for him being a biologist. Voice AI is starting to get wild. Listening to his voice helps me learn better, haha. 02:46:17 Jaron Bruyere: Take care