00:31:30 Jaron Bruyere: Acetylcholine (ACh), Dopamine (DA), Serotonin (5-HT), Norepinephrine (NE), Glutamate, GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) 00:33:59 Jaron Bruyere: My notes say: Role: Essential for memory and learning. Effect: Decreases in ACh are linked to Alzheimer's disease and memory deficits. 00:34:07 Jaron Bruyere: I guess the brain 01:10:33 Jaron Bruyere: Put them on an island and feed them only coffee. Jk; I wrote you could design a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Participants would be randomly assigned to receive either a caffeine pill of a specified dose or a placebo, with neither the participants nor the researchers knowing who receives which until the study concludes. Before administration, baseline cognitive performance, mood, and physiological measures (heart rate, blood pressure) would be recorded. Following ingestion, these parameters would be measured at set intervals (e.g., 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours) to assess acute effects. To understand longer-term effects, assessments could also be done daily for a week. This design helps isolate caffeine's effects from placebo and provides insights into its immediate and prolonged impact on cognitive functions, mood, and physiological responses. 01:10:41 Jaron Bruyere: I just replaced caffeine from cocaine 01:23:04 Jaron Bruyere: I've been interested lately studying benzos and liquor From one of many things I learnt it increases GABA neurotransmitter activity, leading to sedation and reduced neuronal excitability. Alcohol and diazepam do the same thing. 02:15:48 Jaron Bruyere: I was reading an article you can still develop an emotional dependency on weed but I guess that isn't the weed that is the individual.